The construction of the new main building of Polyclinic No. 11 in the Akademichesky District has been completed. Sergei Sobyanin inspected it.
The city polyclinic with a design capacity of 750 visits per shift on Vavilov Street (building 61a) will be equipped with modern medical equipment, a barrier-free environment will be created for patients with limited mobility, and the provision of assistance will be organized in accordance with the new Moscow standard.
The zoning of the premises is designed to reduce the likelihood of queues and make the wait for an appointment as comfortable as possible. Separation of healthy and sick patient flows is provided.
The ground floor houses vestibules, an information desk, radiation diagnostics areas, analysis and injection areas, and sick leave areas. In addition, there is a healthy food café, a pharmacy, security and duty doctor rooms, fire alarm posts, and an acute respiratory viral infection area. The second floor houses the offices of unified reception, district therapists, and general practitioners, and the third floor houses rooms for specialist doctors. The fourth floor houses a functional diagnostics area, an endoscopy department, and a day hospital, and the fifth floor houses a medical prevention department, specialist doctors' offices, ultrasound, and vaccination. The sixth floor is given over to the physiotherapy department, a therapeutic exercise room, and administrative offices, and the seventh floor houses a conference room and other administrative offices. The basement floor houses technical and storage rooms, a central sterilization department, and wardrobes for outerwear and home clothing for the staff.
The main building of Polyclinic No. 11 on Vavilov Street will be six times larger than the old one. The polyclinic will receive its first patients by the end of 2024