About company
About the Institute
JSC "Moscow Architectural and Art Design Institute named after Academician Polyansky" was created in 1993 on the initiative of the outstanding Russian architect Anatoly Trofimovich Polyansky as a unique organization uniting professionals of almost all specialties necessary for complex design, which allows the institute to solve problems of any complexity while maintaining the highest level of quality and architectural and artistic expressiveness.
During the existence of the institute, many extraordinary objects of various profiles and purposes were designed and built, including multifunctional complexes, social, cultural, sports, residential and public facilities, as well as reconstructions of a number of historical buildings. The Institute takes an active part in the improvement of park areas and public spaces in Moscow and other regions of Russia.
As part of its activities, JSC "MAKhPI named after Academician Polyansky" interacts with various government and commercial organizations, attracting the most reliable partners to solve highly specialized problems. In a number of projects, JSC Moscow Architectural and Art Design Institute named after Academician Polyansky cooperates as an equal partner with foreign designers, participating in the implementation of projects of national importance.
Licenses and certificates
our team
The team of JSC "MAKhPI named after Academician Polyansky" consists of highly qualified specialists united in one project team. The joint work of architects, designers, engineers and managers allows us to optimize the production process and achieve maximum coherence in the interaction of all departments. Each department and each employee of the institute works to solve the assigned problems, feeling the support of the entire team.
The versatility of JSC "MAKhPI named after Academician Polyansky" is a unique quality for the modern Russian architectural and construction market, thanks to which the institute is able to provide a wide range of design services, as well as perform the functions of a General Designer. The Design Institute is rightfully proud of the high qualifications of its employees, who have been repeatedly awarded with professional and state awards.
Over the years of existence of JSC "MAKhPI named after Academician Polyansky" under his auspices Famous Russian architects such as V.M. worked and created unique projects. Budaev, Ya.I. Dukhovny, V.L. Kuleshov, I.I. Tazhiev, E.I. Khalizov. Currently, the head of the MAKhPI architectural workshop is Vladimir Konstantinovich Legoshin, Honored Architect of the Russian Federation, laureate of the USSR State Prize. Since 2015, the position of Chief Architect of JSC “MAKhPI named after Academician Polyansky” has been occupied by Alexander Rafailovich Asadov, corresponding member of the International Academy of Architecture, Advisor to the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, winner of numerous professional awards, the position of Chief Designer is occupied by Petr Yuryevich Rodichenko, awarded the “Honored” badge employee of Moskomarkhitektura."
Team work is organized in such a way as to carry out work as efficiently as possible, promptly responding to the needs of the customer.
The workshop employees are proficient in all modern design methods
- from hand sketches to computational approaches
— the introduction and use of BIM technologies allows you to optimize design time.
The workshop office is located in the center of Moscow and has all the necessary technical equipment.
Awards and prizes
History and biography
1993 – the State Enterprise “Experimental Architectural and Art Workshop named after Academician Polyansky” was created (Order of the Moscow Property Management Committee No. 759-r dated September 13, 1993), in accordance with the orders of the Mayor of Moscow dated February 4, 1993 No. 47-RM “ On the procedure for creating state (municipal) enterprises in the city of Moscow" and the Moscow Government dated June 16, 1993 No. 1097-RM.
04 July 1997 - the Moscow Property Management Committee issued an order No. 1890-r “On the privatization of the State Enterprise “Experimental Architectural and Art Workshop named after Academician Polyansky””.
04 July 1997 – on the basis of Order of the Moscow Government No. 1890-r, the institute received the right to be called “Moscow Architectural and Art Design Institute named after Academician Polyansky” (Order of the Mayor of Moscow dated December 16, 1992 No. 568-RM “On the use of the names “Russia”, “Russian Federation” ", "Moscow", images and names of architectural and historical monuments of the city of Moscow"). Certificate No. 027.236 of the Moscow Registration Chamber.
Currently The General Director of JSC “MAKhPI named after Academician Polyansky” is Elena Sergeevna Novikova.
POLYANSKY ANATOLY TROFIMOVICH (1928–1993) Soviet architect, People's Architect of the USSR (1980), Doctor of Architecture (1970), full member of the USSR Academy of Arts (1976).
In 1981–1987 A.T. Polyansky was the First Secretary of the Board of the Union of Architects of the USSR.
During the period of perestroika, he participated in political activities, being a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 11th convocation (1984–1989).
Anatoly Trofimovich Polyansky was born on January 29, 1928 in the village of Avdeevka (now Donetsk region of Ukraine). He passed the high school exams as an external student and entered the Moscow Architectural Institute (MARCHI). Studied in the group of Z.S. Chernysheva, Yu.N. Emelyanov and M.O. Barshcha. In 1950 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute with honors, then – graduate school. In 1955–1960 and in 1973–1993 he taught at the Moscow Architectural Institute.
To the early works of A.T. Polyansky includes the Young Naturalists Pavilion at the All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition (1954, co-authors N.P. Grishin, G.S. Vitukhin, A.S. Goldin, L.K. Ignatova, V.G. Makarevich), distinguished by the original use of historical forms, festivity and ease.
After the announced N.S. Khrushchev in December 1954, the transition to industrial housing construction and the rejection of “excesses” in architecture, A.T. Polyansky actively explores the expressive means and forms of modern architecture. Many of his works, created subsequently, will be among the most striking and significant objects that defined the concept of “Soviet modernism.”
After winning the 1956 competition, the young architect received the right to design the USSR pavilion at the 1958 World Exhibition in Brussels, acting as the leader of the team of authors from Yu.I. Abramova, A.B. Boretsky, V.A. Dubov and engineer Yu.V. Ratskevich. The architecture of the pavilion combined a laconic composition with new materials and designs. The building, in the shape of a parallelepiped raised onto a podium with a portico in front of the entrance, had almost completely glazed walls and a light shade suspended from cables. A lightweight metal frame maximized the load on the interior space from supports. In 1958, Polyansky was appointed director of the TsNIIEP resort and tourist buildings and complexes. In this capacity, he was involved in the design of numerous sanatoriums, boarding houses, creative houses, etc. structures until 1980. The most significant project implemented by Anatoly Trofimovich in this field was the pioneer camp complex “Artek” in Gurzuf, which includes the camps “Artek” (1960–1970), “Morskoy” named after Palmiro Togliatti (1960–1961), “Pribrezhny” ( 1960–1964) and "Mountain" (1967). For the construction of numerous objects and structures on the territory of the camp, Polyansky developed a system of six standard reinforced concrete elements, specially produced for this project. Two modules made up of these elements - a one-story rectangular volume with an area of 40 m2 with a gallery and a staircase, as well as a volume formed by three posts with a mushroom-shaped ceiling - were used to create spatial compositions consistent with the picturesque terrain. For the project of the Pribrezhny camp, which is part of Artek, A.T. Polyansky was awarded the USSR State Prize in 1967.
Subsequently, the architect tried to apply the system found during the construction of Artek in the design of hotels, but to no avail. Nevertheless, Anatoly Trofimovich devoted a number of theoretical works to the problem of creating architecturally expressive compositions from standard elements and defended his doctoral dissertation on this topic (1970).
The first multi-storey hotel Intourist (later Yalta, 1964–1978) designed by Polyansky in Yalta, as well as Artek, shows the influence of Le Corbusier’s “Residential Unit”. Standing across the mountain slope, the 17-story building in the form of an elongated parallelepiped is surrounded by continuous ribbons of balconies and crossed vertically by an asymmetrically placed tower housing elevators and stairs. In later hotel complexes, such as “Issyk-Kul” on the lake of the same name in Kyrgyzstan (co-authors Yu.N. Minaev, I. Moshkunova, L. Kunitsyna, 1977–1979) and “Mashuk” in Pyatigorsk (co-authors N. Zaks, M.A. Lifatov, 1976–1984), preference is given to more complex plastic compositions that follow the differences in relief.
In 1969–1981, Polyansky created several competitive projects for the Central Museum of V.I. Lenin in Moscow (not realized), then designs and builds the V.I. Memorial Museum. Lenin in Kazan (co-authors M.A. Lifatov, Yu.N. Minaev, M.F. Sinev, O.V. Kulishenko, A.P. Sanin, 1981–1987). Standing on the high bank of the Kazanka River, the building is designed as a series of arched buildings lined with red brick, collectively resembling a stylized banner, the image of which is repeated in the depressed relief on the walls. The horizontally elongated composition is complemented by a vertical accent in the form of a brick stele.
During the 1960–1970s, according to Polyansky’s designs, the USSR embassies were also built in Cairo (1965), Athens, Stockholm (1966), a consulate in Gothenburg, and a Youth House in Tselinograd (1974).
In 1982, the architect was invited to head workshop No. 7 of Mosproekt-2 named after. M.V. Posokhin, who was involved in the design of the complex of the memorial to the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow, founded back in 1960. Thanks to the efforts of Anatoly Trofimovich, the process moved more energetically, and the master plan of the complex, as well as the museum building, took their form. One of Polyansky’s latest projects was the Church of St. George the Victorious on Poklonnaya Hill, which combined traditional motifs of ancient Russian architecture with the aesthetics of modernism. Unfortunately, the end of the design of the temple and its construction (1994–1995) took place after the death of A.T. Polyansky and with serious deviations from the original design of the interior and exterior decoration.
In 1989–1991, the architect continued his search in the field of church architecture, participating in a competition to design a temple in memory of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'. Polyansky's project received 1st prize and was approved for construction. At the same time, Anatoly Trofimovich received an order to design the Church of St. Gabriel in the village of Novomyshastovskaya, Krasnodar Territory. But things didn’t go beyond the preliminary design.
In August 1992, the Russian Academy of Arts hosted a personal exhibition of the architect, academician A.T. Polyansky.
Anatoly Trofimovich Polyansky died on June 7, 1993 and was buried in Moscow at the New Donskoy Cemetery, in its eastern part (directly behind the building of the former Donskoy Crematorium).
In 1993, JSC Moscow Architectural and Art Design Institute named after Academician Polyansky was created.
In 1996, A.T. Polyansky was posthumously awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.